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Computer Engineering Technology Associate Degree
Computer Engineering Technology Associate Degree:

Why Earn an Associate's Degree in Computer Engineering Technology

Computers are not going away. They have become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. Businesses are in need of employees trained in making the most of existing technologies and developing new ones. The Computer Engineering Technology Associate's Degree is an introductory course of study in the creation of computer software and hardware. Students will receive training in the skills and technologies needed to qualify for entry-level positions in a variety of computer and technology related fields. Graduates will be prepared to continue their studies towards a bachelor's degree in computer engineering or other related fields.
Career Possibilities
Occupational Outlook and Demand

Graduates of a Computer Engineering Technology Associate's Degree program will be able to pursue careers in computer software and hardware development. According to the US Department of Labor, computer engineering is predicted to be the fastest growing industry in the country within the next few years. Employers will be looking for candidates with an up-to-date education and the training necessary to take the next step in advancing computer technology.

Engineers who focus on computer hardware and software development often earn salaries approaching $100,000 per year, which is all the more reason to continue your education towards a bachelor's degree in the future!
Degree Specifics
Required Coursework

The intention of an Associate's Degree program in Computer Engineering Technology is to provide students with an overview of a wide variety of industry related topics, expecting that students will be trained more thoroughly by future employers. Some of the topics students can expect to study include:

* Mathematics
o Calculus
o Geometry
o Trigonometry
* Principles of Engineering
* Computer Programming
o Java
o C++
* Introduction to Microprocessor Design and Engineering
* Circuits and Logic
* Computer Networking
* Electronics
* Technical Writing

Most degree programs will also feature a lab component where students have the opportunity to study the work of computer engineers as well as develop their own projects.
Skills Learned

Graduates of an Associate's Degree Program in Computer Engineering Technology have many skills that employers look for when seeking new employees. Some of these skills include:

* Ability to design and code computer programs, as well as maintaining code written by other software developers
* Understanding the principles of microprocessor design and creation
* The ability to conceptualize and build a computer from simple parts
* Document work through use of industry standard technical writing guidelines
* Be fluent in a variety of computer software packages and operating systems such as Linux, UNIX, Windows, and more
* Understand technical drawings, blueprints, and circuit diagrams.
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