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Telecommunications Associate Degree
Telecommunications Associate Degree:

By choosing to enroll in a Telecommunications Associate degree program, you will give yourself the opportunity to learn the basics of electrical systems, computer systems, voice and data systems, and other electronic devices. Your coursework will include electronics, computers, voice and data, and networking. As a graduate of a Telecommunications Associate degree program, you may find yourself working as a customer service representative, sales representative, help desk associate, or equipment technician. Please read on to find out more.

Reasons to Earn a Telecommunications Associate Degree:

It is such an asset to have the most up-to-date information and skills as they relate to technology, especially in the field of Telecommunications. During your degree program, you will learn the latest in telecommunications technology in order to gain an edge on the competition as you look for a position within the field.
Telecommunications Associate Degree Career Opportunities
Occupational Outlook

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, there will be a slight decrease in job opportunities as they relate to telecommunications. Experience and advanced technology skills will be a plus when searching for positions within the field.
Salary Information

Because the field varies, the Bureau of Labor Statistics lumps all positions within telecommunications into a general salary category. For those in the telecommunications industry without a supervisory role, average salaries were around $44,300 a year as of May 2004.
Telecommunications Associate Degree Specifics
Required Courses

Your coursework during a Telecommunications Associate degree program will be very technical in nature. Most of what you will learn will be from hands-on and lab-set courses. Specifics may include:

* Electronics
* Computers
* Voice and Data Systems
* Networking: LAN and WAN
* Telecommunication Trends and Practices

Skills You Will Learn

During your Telecommunications Associate degree program, you will expand on some of the skills you may already posses. You will develop new skills in the process of your program as well. Specific skills developed may include:

* Ability to utilize and operate current telecommunication devices
* Ability to predict and analyze trends in the telecommunications industry
* Ability to communicate technical information effectively
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